Day Procedure Centre Licence
旺角:醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)、中環:仁輝專科中心(中環)(PHF No. DP000299)、
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme & Subsidisation

Colorectal Cancer Screening is for people who do not show any symptoms of colorectal cancer (such as blood in the stool or dark-coloured stool, mucus in stool, sudden change in bowel habits etc.). It is to identify people with risk of colorectal cancer for early treatment. Participants are required to consult a Primary Care Doctor for an initial evaluation. If your medical history and physical condition are suitable for joining the programme, the medical centre will handle the enrolment procedures for you.

為了提高香港市民對大腸癌檢查的關注,政府衛生署已於2020年起,資助全面推行「大腸癌篩查計劃 (CRC)」,年滿50至75歲的香港居民可參與政府資助計劃的醫療中心接受「A faecal occult blood test that detects insignificant amounts of blood in stool in any participating medical centres. The Government will subsidise further colonoscopy for high-risk individuals to prevent colorectal cancer.

CRC Screening Programme eligible persons(Updated in 2024)


年滿50歲至75歲 (即由今年2023年1月1日起,於1947至1973年出生之人士)



Participants with the following conditions are not suitable or not necessary to enroll in the Programme:

.Record of receiving colonoscopy within the past 10 years with normal result

.Record of receiving flexible sigmoidoscopy within the past 5 years with normal result

.Record of receiving FOBT within the past 2 years with normal result

.Have symptoms of colorectal cancer

.History of colon polyps

.Have two or more first-degree relatives diagnosed with colorectal cancer

.Diagnosis of hereditary bowel syndromes, or have first-degree relative diagnosed with such syndrome

.Previously been advised against receiving colonoscopy by a doctor




Step 1: Find a primary care doctor
Step 2: Consult a primary care doctor and collect a FOBT test kit
Step 3: Collect stool specimens at home according to instructions 
Step 4: Return FOBT specimens to a designated Specimen Collection Point
Step 5: Be notify with the result by primary care doctor
(Negative result) watch out for colorectal cancer symptoms and repeat FOBT every two years
(Positive result) consult with the primary care doctor for follow up and receive referral for colonoscopy


Colonoscopy examination(A colonoscopy) is a simple exam used to diagnose lesions and diseases in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including ileum, cecum, colon, rectum and anus. It uses a 1.3cm, flexible tube with an endoscope to allow the doctor to view the inside of the entire colon. People with symptoms of colorectal cancer or who are over 50 years old without any symptoms of colorectal cancer should follow the medical advice to conduct a colonoscopy.

colorectal cancer

Governmental Subsidisation and Additional Fees

In order to raise the awareness towards colorectal health, The DOH has fully subsidised the eligible to consult a primary care doctor and conduct a FOBT. There is no additional charge for eligible persons. Contact us to make an appointment now.

若果參加者於大便隱血測試的結果呈陽性反應,政府會額外資助港幣7,800元(沒有瘜肉)或港幣8,500元( remove polyps)供市民到大腸鏡醫生進行「大腸鏡檢查基本服務」。資助包括檢查前診症、大腸鏡檢查(包括靜脈鎮靜劑),及切除瘜肉(如有)。扣除政府的基本大腸鏡服務資助後,參加者需要收取不多於$1,000的額外費用。


1. 大便隱血測試


2. 大腸鏡檢查


3. 乙狀結腸鏡檢查



Colorectal Cancer Symptoms

Colonoscopy Result

The doctor will discuss the colonoscopy result with you. The result is regarded as normal, if there is no suspicious condition in the bowel wall; if it is abnormal, the doctor will explain the report to you and formulate an proper treatment plan for you.

FAQ for Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme (CRC)

1. 大腸癌如何分期


2. 若我患有痔瘡,可以參與大腸癌篩查計劃嗎?

You can join the programme and conduct a FOBT as long as the pile does not bleed. If it does, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

3. 如果我遺失或損壞了大便隱血測試採便管可以怎麼辦?

If you lose/break one of the two FOBT tubes, you should still carry out stool specimen collection for the remaining FOBT tube. You should contact your Primary Care Doctor for a replacement if you lose or break both tubes.

4. 如何提交大便測試樣本?

You will have to put the FOBT tube in a small plastic bag and seal it in the bigger bag which has the specimen form on it. You should return it to a designated specimen collection point within 4 days of its collection.

5. 大便隱血測試結果呈陽性是患大腸癌嗎?

A positive FOBT result means that blood is detected in your stool. This can be due to a number of other conditions apart from colorectal cancer. You should discuss with your doctor regarding further investigations to look for the cause of the bleeding.

6. 可以即日進行大腸鏡檢查嗎?

The colonoscopy requires a 6-hour fasting period before the colonoscopy to make sure there is nothing in your intestines that will interrupt the exam. Therefore, an appointment for a colonoscopy has to be made at least one day before. A regular procedure will be having a consultation with your doctor first and your doctor will arrange the most suitable tests and treatments for you based on your condition.

7.  照大腸鏡需要住院嗎?

Colonoscopy is a simple exam that only requires the patient to spend a half day in the daytime medical centre to conduct the exam.

8. 可否使用醫療券支付大腸癌篩查之額外費用?

The programme is subsidised by the Department of Health so health care vouchers cannot be used to settle the co-payment.

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*We will contact you for booking arrangement soon, please confirm with our staff before arrival.

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