Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

內視鏡中心 預約服務

內視鏡中心 預約服務

專科中心 遙距醫療

專科中心 遙距醫療

Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre

Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (“HKMED”) is a one-stop specialist clinic dedicated to providing quality and reliable medical services for endoscopy and daytime minor surgeries. Set in a prime location of Hong Kong - Mongkok and Central, HKMED offers a wide range of top-notch endoscopy systems. From initial consultation and examination to surgery, our experienced medical team provides the public members with the proper and secure specialist medical services.

About Us

The daytime medical centres in Hong Kong usually provide the same-day discharge surgical services, which can save medical expenses such as hospitalisation, meals and miscellaneous expenses, as well as save the hassle of admission and discharge in the hospital.

HKMED offers a wide range of specialist medical services including:gastroscopy (OGD), colonoscopy, cystoscopy, minor surgery and medical referral services. At HKMED, consultation service is offered by our full-time specialists in surgery and gastroenterology & hepatology, each with over 10 years of experience.Endoscopyand minor surgical procedures are well-planned, performed with the assistance of seasoned registered nurses and are followed up properly.

Day procedure centres



O.G.D (Gastroscopy)

Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) is an examination of the inside of the upper digestive tract by using a flexible video-endoscope which is passed through the mouth into the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. It allows doctor to have direct vision of the upper digestive tract and to detect pathological change, for example, tumor, ulceration or polyps etc. Your doctor will take biopsy for pathological examination and may perform polypectomy and therapeutic haemostasis when necessary.

Colonoscopy examination

Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables doctor to view the inside of the large bowel. This is accomplished by passing a flexible video-endoscope through the anus into the rectum, then advancing slowly through sigmond colon, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon and lastly to the caecum. The examiner can have direct vision of the colon or pathological changes inside the colon, such as tumor, ulceration or polyps. Doctor may take biopsy for pathological examination, perform polypectomy and therapeutic haemostasis when necessary.



A procedure for diagnosis of any pathological change in urinary bladder, urethra and prostate (in male). Other indications include urethral dilation, clearance of clots in bladder, biopsy of bladder or urethral lesion, insertion/ removal of ureteric stent etc.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a common cancer in Hong Kong and is the second most common type of cancer in men in terms of new cases. It is a cancerous disease caused by abnormal cell growth in the colon or rectum. Cancer cells can continue to grow, gradually spread and metastasize to other parts of the body.


Contact Us

*We will contact you for booking arrangement soon, please confirm with our staff before arrival.

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