Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

內視鏡中心 預約服務

內視鏡中心 預約服務

專科中心 遙距醫療

專科中心 遙距醫療



內視鏡檢查(內窺鏡)是一項安全性高的檢查,利用一條柔軟而可彎曲的內視鏡頭,以協助醫生觀察上、下消化道的病變及疾病。香港仁輝日間醫療及內視鏡中心提供的內視鏡檢查項目包括:大腸內視鏡、上消化道內視鏡,及膀胱內窺鏡,檢查可以診斷出大腸癌、大腸瘜肉、胃癌、胃潰瘍、胃瘜肉、膀胱癌等疾病。有別於X光片檢查,內窺鏡檢查透過微型軟管的光學鏡頭,醫生可即時從螢幕觀察內臟的狀況,同時配合不同的儀器來進行止血、瘜肉切除等治療,更可抽取可疑組織作進一步切片化驗。為配合各病人情況所需,中心提供的內視鏡檢查費用價錢適合香港大眾市民,包括︰大腸鏡內視鏡檢查費用 HK$7800 起、上消化道內視鏡檢查費用 HK$7,800起,及膀胱鏡檢查。查詢內窺鏡檢查費用及詳情,請Contact Us for detained pricing and information of cystoscopy at HKMED.

Endoscopy Check-up

Endoscopy allows direct observation of abnormalities in various organs and helps doctors to diagnose different pathologies and diseases, including:

Colorectal endoscopy (colonoscopy), assisting to diagnose and treat colon-related diseases such as early colorectal lesions, colorectal polyps, colitis and colorectal cancers (colon and rectal cancers).

Gastroscopy (OGD), assisting to diagnose and treat diseases related to the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, such as gastric cancer, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastric tumours, etc.

Cystoscopy(cystoscopy), assisting to diagnose and treat urinary-related conditions such as bladder cancer, tumours, urethral stricture, kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones and urethritis.



Gastroscopy (OGD)




Endoscopy Procedures

Endoscopy is a simple and safe procedure that can be completed in about 2 hours at the day-care medical centre. Before the endoscopy begins, an anaesthetic procedure will be performed to minimise discomfort during the examination. After the endoscopic examination at HKMED, the patient will be taken to the recovery room, during which he/she will be checked with the vital-index device for further monitoring by a team of healthcare professionals.


Is it dangerous to perform endoscopy?

Although endoscopy is an invasive procedure, it is a safe check-up item. Patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, valvular heart disease, or those taking medication, however, should inform their doctor before the examination so that they are aware of their health condition. Patients should also contact the centre as soon as possible if they feel unwell after the examination or if they have any questions about the test results.

Endoscopy Charges

To cater for the needs of each patient, HKMED offers a number of endoscopy packages, including colonoscopy, gastroscopy (OGD), and cystoscopy. Please Contact Us for detained pricing and information of cystoscopy at HKMED.

The Centre also participates in the government-funded Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme organised by Department of Health, and is a member organization of the Hospital Authority’s Public-Private Partnership Programme, providing endoscopy to eligible citizens under the Colon Assessment Public-Private Partnership Programme.

Types of Anaesthesia for Endoscopy

Two types of anaesthesia are available for endoscopy at the Centre:

  • Intravenous sedation: the patient is injected with intravenous sedatives to relax for the colonoscopy.
  • Deep anaesthesia: through deep anaesthesia, patients can undergo colonoscopy without discomfort.

Preparing for Endoscopy

Different endoscopic examinations are subject to different instructions, including prohibition of diet and bowel cleansing medication. The patients should inform the doctor of any medication currently taking (including diabetic medication or medication that affects blood clotting), or the suspect or confirmed pregnancy before the examination so that the doctor is aware of the patient’s condition. After the endoscopy, the patient will be taken to the recovery room for a rest. Due to the use of sedatives, patients are advised to avoid operating heavy machinery, signing legal documents or driving for 24 hours after the examination.

Endoscopy Q&A

1. Do I need to be admitted to hospital for endoscopy?
Endoscopy is a simple check-up that can be completed in about 2 hours after the doctor has assessed the patient’s physical condition and considered the procedure could be conducted at a day medical centre.

2. Do I need a referral letter for endoscopy?
No referral letter is required for specialist services at HKMED, but if you need to apply for an insurance claim, you may need to check with your insurance company for the details of the claim.

3. Can I have an endoscopy on the same day?
Same-day appointments for endoscopy may not be available due to the need to abstain from food and drink and to perform bowel cleansing prior to the endoscopy. The usual procedure is to arrange an consultation with the doctor to understand the patient’s condition before arranging the appropriate examination and treatment.

4. Can I use health care vouchers, medical cards and insurance for endoscopy?
Patients are advised to check with the relevant organisations for details on the terms and conditions of the relevant health care vouchers, medical cards and insurance plans.

5. 照內視鏡檢查的重要性?

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