Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

Medical Trivia: Sterilisation

We always see medical professionals utilise different medical devices to avoid cross-contamination. They will also use different sterilisation methods to make sure the devices are clean and hygienic. Curious about the sterilisation methods? Let’s hear from a nurse to unveil the secrets of sterilisation!

The above information is not medical advice and it is for reference only. Seek medical assistance immediately if you feel unwell.
Video Source: Cable TV

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