Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)

The differences between day procedure centre and hospital

Day procedure centres

Day procedure centres are getting more popular as staying in the hospital is a stressful event under the pandemic. Some may even avoid going to the hospital unless there is a live or death situation. The day procedure centres in Hong Kong are regulated by law and their equipment and standards are similar to that of a hospital. They also provide medical services like tests and treatments that are the same as that in hospitals, from medical consultation, blood tests, computed tomography (CT), to tests like colonoscopygastroscopy, and surgeries like cataract surgery, and piles removal surgery etc. Most of the medical insurances on the market have covered the expenses in day procedure centres. Sometimes the insurance claims are even higher than those in private hospitals. This is why people are more willing to go to a day procedure centre.

Major differences between Day Procedure Centre and Hospital

Day Procedure Centres:

  • Simple treatments and surgeries
  •  Cheaper as all required procedures will be finished within the same day
  • Everything is done on the same floor
  • More convenient for follow-up appointments or treatments


  • Carry out treatments for severe incidents, diseases and high-risk procedures (such as treatment for bone fractures)
  • Hospitalised for running different tests and treatments
  • Have to go to different floors and divisions for different procedures
Clinics can only provide tests and consultation in one to two medical specialties while day procedure centres serve like a mini hospital with the equipment, standards, and some functions same as those in hospitals.
There is a misunderstanding that day procedure centres are the same as clinics that can only perform minor and simple surgeries. However, day procedures refer to the surgeries that do not require hospitalisation. The standards are the same with surgeries that require hospitalisation in terms of safeness and processes. It is relatively cheaper as the patients can be discharged on the same day and more beds can be reserved for those in need.

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