Day Procedure Centre Licence
旺角:醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)、中環:仁輝專科中心(中環)(PHF No. DP000299)、
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

Shatter the Myth of Slimming: “Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat” is the Real Key to a Beautiful Body!

Many girls write down “getting slim” as a yearly goal, but equate it solely to losing body weight. But the truth is, simply controlling your food intake, say losing 5kg this year, won’t necessarily give you the body shape you desire.


The scale won’t tell the whole story: 4 fitness metrics that actually matter  

So many women fixate on the number on the scale. Yet, you may at times find that someone with a similar height but a heavier weight than you is in better, svelte shape.

The real secret? Muscle/fat ratio – not just pounds lost. That’s why body weight alone cannot give you the whole picture. So, let's shift our focus to these 4 crucial indicators that will give you a more accurate picture of your body and help you melt away the fat:

Body fat percentage: The percentage of body fat that constitutes the total body weight. The ideal body fat percentage is 11-22% for males and 21-35% for females.

Waist-to-hip ratio: The circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips. The ideal ratio is 0.85-0.9 for males and 0.7-0.8 for females.

Visceral fat: A range between 1 and 9 is normal, while 10-14 is high and 15+ indicates an excessive level of visceral fat.

Fat-free mass index (FFMI): [Body weight(kg)x(100%-body fat percentage)] / height(m)2. The ideal value is 19-20 for males and 14-16 for females.

If you get the ideal values, you can surely have a leaner and nice-looking body shape!


Are you still shying away from muscle training?

Many girls avoid weight training due to an unfounded fear of developing bulky, masculine muscles. However, as females have lower androgen levels, they cannot easily achieve a bodybuilder physique. That's not what we're after anyway! Our goal is to increase muscle mass to boost metabolism, helping you torch more calories and sculpt your curves.

If you still have doubts and want to rely on dieting to lose fat, consider this: 1 kg of muscle burns around 100 kcals, but 1kg of fat only burns 4-10 kcals – that’s a tenfold difference!

So, you can see that training muscles is the real way to get slim. If you have higher muscle mass, you can get better results in losing fat. If you want to achieve a lean and healthy body, it’s time to set a goal of building muscles, managing your diet and finally getting that perfect shape!


Gain muscles and lose fat with a non-invasive and painless medical-grade treatment

DR REBORN EMSCULPT neo® Magnetic Sculpting Treatment

As Hong Kong people live a hectic life, squeezing in regular muscle training can be a tough task. No worries, DR REBORN offers the latest upgraded EMSCULPT neo® Magnetic Sculpting Treatment to aid you in getting your perfect body! The treatment combines the world’s first patented HIFEM+™ technology and Synchrode RF™ technology, giving you faster and better slimming results than other cryolipolysis, laser, HIFU fat reduction and Vanquish ME treatments!


The treatment is completely pain-free, non-invasive, and does not involve the struggle of exercising and sweating hard. It utilises two different energies to penetrate the muscle and fat layers to contract muscles with high frequencies, hence stimulating muscle growth. The treatment can simultaneously trigger the natural apoptosis of the fat cells to reduce the thickness of the fat layer, effectively destroying 30% of fat and gaining muscles by 25%!

EMSCULPT neo® a double-certified technology, with the FDA and CE approval for safety and effectiveness. The cutting-edge treatment is the only medical aesthetic solution that targets multiple areas of excess fat, including the flanks, waist, abdomen and more. With its innovative handpiece, EMSCULPT neo® covers all the bases - every fat layer and muscle layer of the flanks (external oblique muscle, internal oblique muscle and transverse abdominis). It also expands the scope of muscle gain and fat reduction by 50%, thoroughly targeting the fat around your waist!

You only have to lie down for 30 minutes in each treatment session. 4 sessions can bring effects equal to 12-16 weeks of training. We can also help you reduce localised fat in your designated areas, sculpting your desired body curve!


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