Day Procedure Centre Licence
旺角:醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)、中環:仁輝專科中心(中環)(PHF No. DP000299)、
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

The Most Stubborn “Love Handles”: What Causes Them and How Do You Get Rid of Them?

Love handles are the pinchable fat on both sides of your stomach that leads to a “muffin top” appearance. They are especially stubborn. It’s not going to be quick or easy for most people to lose their not-so-lovable love handles. This time, we'll share with you the causes of bulging waistlines and how to get rid of them!

Two main reasons for the formation of love handles are excess fat and muscle laxity on both sides of the waist. If you're leading a sedentary work style, eating a lot and don’t exercise, it's only a sure thing to have the bulging fat.

In addition, because the lumbar muscles are not supported and protected by bone, they need more fat to protect the organs in the body. So if you don't exercise, fat will be stored directly around the waist. In the long run, not only do your hips get bigger, your waist gets thicker and your tummy grows fatter it also has various negative effects on your body.

Also, due to female hormones, the fat tends to build up in the lower half of the body: women store on the sides of the waist, while men store in the front of the abdomen, so men tend to have a big belly and women love handles. Love handles are often the last place on their body where they lose weight. It means you may have lost fat in your arms, thighs, chest and back before burning fat around your waist. It is possible to lose weight in areas that you don't want to lose (especially your breasts), which can be very distressing.

To lose fat around the waist and regain firmness in the muscles thereon, do more physical exercises targeting the core muscles, especially the lower abdomen, flanks and lower back:

#1 Cross-body mountain climbers


Assume a push-up position. Core is tight. Back is flat. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes.

Bring one knee up towards your chest and twist towards the opposing elbow, rotating the waist and hips.

Return your foot to its original position. Repeat on the other side. Depending on your ability, move your feet slowly at a faster pace, but remember to keep your body in a straight line.

#2 Side planks


Get into a standard plank position, turn your body to the right, lift your right hand and support the floor with your left hand.

Stack your legs, and left foot on the side of the ground (hold for 15 seconds to 2 minutes according to ability).

#3 Seated twist

Sit in a chair, chest up and stomach in, arms open to the sides to shoulder level, elbows slightly bent and palms slightly clasped.

While keeping the body straight and the abdomen tight, slowly rotate the upper body to the left (about 2 seconds). Hold the pelvis position and no rotation.

Hold for 1 second, return to the starting position and turn to the right again, repeat left and right 10 times for 1 set. Repeat for 3 sets, resting for 30 seconds between each set.

DR REBORN EMSCULPT neo®, Your Magnetic & RF Treatment for Muscles Building

Doing all the exercises but still no results? What you need is a targeted medical anaesthetics treatment! DR REBORN offers EMSCULPT neo®️ magnetic and RF treatment for muscle building, which utilizes a new and upgraded version of the world's first and only HIFEM+™ and RF to deliver faster and more visible results than other cryolipolysis, laser and HIFU lipolysis and vacuum lipolysis treatments!

It's a completely pain-free, non-invasive, and no-sweating treatment utilising dual wave technology that reaches the muscle and fat layers to achieve high-frequency contraction for muscle building and fat reduction. It helps to lose 30% fat and gain 25% muscle at the same time!

The FDA-approved and CE-certified treatment is the world's only medical anaesthetics solution to improve lateral abdomen, waist and abdominal fat. The latest generation of applicator perfectly covers the fat layer of the flank and the superficial to deep muscle layers (external obliques, internal obliques, transverse abdominis). The range of muscle gain and fat loss has also been extended by 50% to perfectly target lateral abdominal fat! Each session requires only 30 minutes of lying down. The treatment contains 4 sessions of 12-16 weeks of exercise training to help you build muscle and lose fat in specific areas. KO the most stubborn fat on both sides of your stomach and build an attractive, slender wasp waist!



(1) 做出俯撐姿勢,身體維持良好曲線,骨盆覈心穩定,脊柱保持在良好位置,不拱起、不下壓。注意臀部不翹高。

(2) 接著抬起一腳,將膝蓋往身體另一側移動,並且轉動腰部與臀部。

(3) 回到起始位置,重複及交替動作,依個人能力,腳移動的速度慢慢增快,但要記得臀部不要翹起來。





(2) 雙腿上下側疊著,左腳腳側撐地(按照能力維持動作15秒至2分鐘)。





(2)在保持軀幹挺直及收緊腹部情况下,上身慢慢向左旋轉(約2秒時間),注意盆骨  要固定向前,不能轉動。

(3) 維持1秒後回到開始位置,再向右轉,左右重複10次為1組;重複3組,每組之間休息30秒。


DR REBORN EMSCULPT neo® 磁波射頻塑肌療程

做足運動卻 仍無效果?你需要的是針對性的醫美療程!DRREBORN的EMSCULPT neo®️ 磁波射頻塑肌療程,以全新升級版配合全球首創及唯一革新專利 HIFEM +™ 及 RF熱能射頻,比起其他冷凍溶脂、雷射及 HIFU 溶脂、隔空溶脂療程效果更快更明顯!


療程期間完全無痛、非入侵性、不需辛苦運動爆汗,以雙重波段科技直達肌肉及脂肪層,高頻收縮達成增肌之效,同時令脂肪細 胞自然凋亡,減少脂肪層厚度,有助減走30%脂肪,同時新增25%肌肉!

療程榮獲美國美國 FDA 及歐盟 CE 雙重安全及成效認證,最新一代側腰療程更是全球唯一能夠同時改善側腰、腰部及腹部贅肉等部位的醫美療程。儀器採用全新機頭,完美覆蓋側腰脂肪層及表層至深層的肌肉層 (腹外斜肌、腹內斜肌、腹橫肌),增肌減脂範圍亦擴 大50%,能夠完美夾擊腰部脂肪!每次療程只需平躺30分鐘,4次療程相等於12-16星期運動訓練,幫你指定部位增肌減脂,KO史上最難減的脂肪部位,打造迷人纖幼黃蜂腰!


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