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Day Procedure Centre Licence
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Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

7 Causes of Yellow Teeth

Having a set of yellow teeth can give people a bad impression. It can also make one lose confidence and reluctant to show a genuine smile, affecting interpersonal relationships and emotional health. In this blog, we will explain the 7 major reasons for yellow teeth. By simply changing lifestyle habits or dental hygiene routine, it may be possible to improve yellow teeth and restore a set of pearly whites.


Tooth colour is closely related to genetics, and our tooth colour tends to be similar to that of our parents. If our parents' teeth are not bright white, so do ours, with one to two shades lighter or darker in yellowish, reddish, or greyish tint.


Thinning enamel

Teeth are mainly composed of two parts: the outer enamel and the inner dentin. Enamel is transparent, while dentin is yellowish. If the enamel becomes thinner or worn out, the yellow colour of the dentin will become more prominent, making the teeth appear yellow. In addition, like other organs in the body, teeth deteriorate with age. Along with frequent chewing, lack of nutrient intake that protects teeth, and ageing, the enamel on the tooth surface will become worn out, making them look rough, dull, or yellow.


Brushing too hard

Many people think that brushing their yellow teeth harder will help remove the dirt attached to them, but this can backfire. If you brush your teeth too hard or too frequently, you can easily wear away the enamel, exposing the dentin and making your teeth even more yellowish.



Long-term smoking can leave nicotine and tar from tobacco on the tooth surface. Depending on one’s brushing habits and oral hygiene, it is possible for these substances to permanently deposit on the teeth, making them yellow and black.


Eating many teeth-staining foods

Artificial colouring agents are also culprits that can affect the appearance of teeth. Many foods can cause teeth discolouration, such as tomato sauce, curry, coffee, milk tea, red wine, etc. They may attach to the enamel of teeth and cause discolouration on the tooth surface. It is best to drink water or brush your teeth immediately after meals to prevent teeth from absorbing the pigments and turning yellow.


Poor dental hygiene

Some people are lazy to brush their teeth, rinse their mouths or floss. Lack of oral care can lead to the build-up of plaque and tartar, causing discoloured teeth.


Long-term use of tetracycline

Tetracycline is an antibiotic widely used in treating various infections, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and skin infections. The molecular structure of tetracycline contains a chemical that can bind with calcium in the teeth, forming a stable compound. This compound can make the teeth appear dark yellow or brown, and the stain is difficult to remove. This condition is known as tetracycline teeth.


To whiten teeth, apart from maintaining good oral hygiene, it is also important to revise lifestyle habits, such as brushing teeth gently, drinking more water, reducing smoking, and avoiding foods with colouring agents. There are many methods for whitening teeth, such as whitening toothpaste, teeth whitening strips, whitening gels, and at-home teeth bleaching. If you see little improvement, you can also visit a dentist for whitening treatments, such as blue light teeth whitening or porcelain veneers, to improve yellow teeth and restore a healthy and beautiful smile.

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