Day Procedure Centre Licence
旺角:醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)、中環:仁輝專科中心(中環)(PHF No. DP000299)、
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

Feel A Hard Lump in The Breast? Doctor Warns: It Could Be a Symptom of Breast Cancer!

A recent online post from Taiwan revealed that a man discovered a hard lump in his girlfriend’s breast when fondling her, but she felt no pain upon touching. Still, the couple decided to seek medical attention, and she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.

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Common symptoms of breast cancer at the early stage

Breast cancer can show no symptoms at an early stage, making it difficult to detect. However, symptoms may appear in the breasts, nipples, areolas and underarms. Common symptoms include:

1.A painless lump in the breast. Patients may feel a hard lump of an irregular shape upon palpation.

2.Skin changes in the breast such as dimpled skin and cellulite.

3.Ulcers, inverted nipples and areola, and even bleeding or discharge from the nipples are symptoms of late-stage cancer.

You can’t drop your guard when you find no abnormalities in your breast, as you have to check for any lumps or swollen lymph nodes in your underarms as well. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately as the cancer cells may have spread to lymph nodes in the underarm.

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Is a hard lump in the breast necessarily cancerous?

Although the Taiwan netizen’s case confirmed the lump as a symptom of breast cancer, a breast lump is not always cancerous.

Breast cells in women also go through controlled growth and division like other cells. When the breast cells grow to a certain extent, they may form tumours or lumps which are mostly benign, such as fibrocystic changes and fibroadenoma. These lumps which feel swollen and painful upon palpation are caused by hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, and should cause no problem if you receive regular examinations to monitor their changes.

Yet, if the breast cells proliferate uncontrollably, they may form malignant tumours, i.e., breast cancer. Cancer will destroy tissues in the human body and may spread to other body parts, leading to organ damage and death.

Thankfully, with modern medical technology, the survival rate of breast cancer is very high with early detection and treatment. Therefore, it’s vital for women over 40 to perform monthly self-tests to check for any abnormalities in their breasts and receive regular health examinations. Remember, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is the key to safeguarding your health and beating breast cancer.

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Source: Revive

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