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旺角:醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104)、中環:仁輝專科中心(中環)(PHF No. DP000299)、
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

It’s Dry in Winter: Lotion Would be Your Useless Attempt If You’ve Made the Following 6 Mistakes

In the chilly season, cold air can cause dry, itchy, red and inflamed skin. Even if you keep using lotion, it only works briefly, and after a while, your skin will become dry again. To really tackle dry skin in winter, you have to first recognise these 6 mistakes that will make your skin worse.

#1Moisturising without nourishing your skin

When skin becomes dry and cracked, many people rush to use expensive skincare products, but the results are unsatisfactory. That’s because you neglect to hydrate or nourish your skin first, it won't work, even if you want to moisturise to relieve dryness. If lotion alone doesn't help, you should use a special nourishing skin care product first. Common ingredients include hyaluronic acid, vitamins B3 and B5, glycerin and aloe vera extract, all of which are effective winter moisturisers. Daily use slowly improves moisture loss, restoring plumpness and lustre to the skin before other skincare products can be used.

#2Skincare products do not follow suit seasonally

In summer, your face is often oily, so you use strong cleansing products to cleanse your face and refresh it. However, if used in winter, it will dry out your face and make it more susceptible to allergies, such as redness, peeling and itching. When you notice that the condition of your skin starts to change significantly, such as when it was oily but has become less oily, it's time to make a seasonal change to your skincare regime. In autumn and winter, you should use moisturising and hydrating skincare products, including plant-derived products that protect the sebum film, strengthen the epidermis, and provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant relief.

#3Thick dead skin

When the skin is too dehydrated and not exfoliated regularly, the skin layer becomes thicker, making it more difficult for care products to penetrate into the skin. Therefore, if you want to improve your skin's conditions, it is advisable to use moisturisers after washing your face or taking a shower, while your skin is still hydrated and your dead skin cells are softening and shedding, so that the moisturisers can penetrate into your skin more easily. Alternatively, you can use an exfoliator, but not too often - once a week is fine, otherwise the skin layer will become thin and vulnerable.

#4Hot bathing water

Although it's cosy to wash in hot water in this chilly season, it will dry out your skin! Hot water opens up the pores of the skin and causes the skin to lose moisture fast. So adjust the bathing water temperature to the right temperature, don't take too long in the bath or shower and apply moisturiser as soon as possible after drying your body.

#5No sun protection in winter

Many people have the misconception that they don't need sunscreen because there is no UV light on winter’s cloudy days. Whether it is cloudy or winter, UV rays are still present and sun protection is still needed. Pregnant women are also affected by hormones and are more likely to develop dark spots when exposed to UV rays, so you should never skip sun protection.

#6Underestimating the problem of dry skin

People generally think that there are only three types of skin types: oily, normal and dry. In addition to dryness, there is extremely dry skin. If your skin feels tight and dry, separates with cosmetics and flakes easily and moisturisers don't help, you may have extremely dry skin. As well as choosing products for dry skin, you need to increase the frequency of use and replenish the moisturiser on your skin regularly. After moisturising and replenishing the skin, it is crucial to use a lotion that locks in the moisture and contains oil on the outer skin layer to keep the water in.

Swissline’s Argan Facial Treatment

Known as "liquid gold", Argan Oil is prized for its excellent anti-ageing effects on dry and damaged skin, and has been a beauty secret of local Moroccan women for millennia! Argan oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6 and Omega-9) and phytosterols, and is particularly suitable for dry skin in winter, as it locks in moisture and provides all-day nourishing.

Swissline’s Argan Facial Treatment makes use of this "liquid gold", which is packed with natural nutrients to improve redness, enlarged pores, sagging, dullness and roughness of the skin, as well as to improve its own moisturizing and hydrating capacity, and to soften the dead skin cells and increase the strength of the skin barrier. Combined with Swissline's exclusive Cell Shock Age Intelligence Youth Booster, Crystal Complex Lifting Mask and other precious ingredients, this product rejuvenates your skin, reduces fine lines and firms the skin, restoring a soft, white and smooth complexion.

#1 想滋潤卻沒先補水



#2 保養品沒跟著換季



#3 角質層太厚



#4 洗澡水太熱



#5 冬天不用防曬



#6 看輕了皮膚乾的程度



Swissline 摩洛哥堅果面部護理療程

有「液態黃金」美名的摩洛哥堅果油(Argan Oil),以修護乾燥及受損肌膚的卓越抗老功效而聞名,是摩洛哥當地女性千年以來的美麗秘密!當中蘊含豐富的不飽和脂肪酸(Omega-6及Omega-9)、植物固醇,藉由其優異水和保濕功效,層層鎖住肌膚水分達到全天候保濕潤澤,特別適合冬季的乾燥肌膚。


Swissline摩洛哥堅果面部護理療程就運用這款「液態黃金」,以豐富天然營養去為你改善乾燥泛紅、毛孔粗大、下垂鬆弛、膚色暗啞、膚質粗糙,提昇自身保濕及鎖水能力,更可軟化角質層及增加肌膚屏障強度。再加上Swissline獨有的Cell Shock活細胞智慧型專效活力混合精華、水晶之淚緊緻面膜等珍貴成分產品,能夠為你激活皮膚再生,減淡細紋及緊緻肌膚,重塑幼嫩白滑的肌膚。

Cell Shock活細胞智慧型專效活力混合精華.png

  1. 滋潤嫩膚

  2. 深層修護

  3. 美白注養

  4. 緊緻提拉

  5. 保濕鎖水


Source: Swissline

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