Day Procedure Centre Licence
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Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Health Blog Content

From 'Qing Dynasty' Hairlines to Healthy Locks: 5 Traps for Early Hair Loss + Hair Boost Tips

Many people think that hair loss only happens to those over 40, but if you take a walk down the street, you'll see plenty of young people in their 20s and 30s with thinning hair and receding hairlines, as if they have shaved the iconic hairstyle in the Qing Dynasty. In fact, age is just one of many factors that can cause hair loss. According to Korean dermatologists, many young people are experiencing early hair loss because of bad lifestyle habits. Read on to avoid these 5 traps that could be causing your hair loss!


5 hair loss traps: how many are you falling for?

Stress-induced hair loss

From school days to working years, life can be tough and stressful for Hong Kongers. This can affect their sleep quality and mood, triggering stress-induced hair loss. In recent years, quite a number of secondary school students are losing hair from exam stress, and some are even suffering from alopecia areata! So, it's important to learn how to relax, like listening to music, working out, or meditating, to ease the pressure on your mind.


Eating foods high in oil, fat and flavours

Most people in Hong Kong like to eat out for all their meals, which usually involve greasy and oily stuff. When they hang out with friends, they might smoke and drink, and then cap it all off with some sugary dessert. Over time, all of this can mess with the sebum production on your scalp and your body’s metabolism, leading to clogged hair follicles and therefore hair loss problems like bald spots or an M-shaped hairline.

Choosing the wrong weight loss plan

Many ladies go on diet to lose weight and get in shape, and often they'll check out social media influencers or celebrities for diet tips, like 16:8 intermittent fasting or the ketogenic diet. Yet, since everyone has different body conditions, going on a diet without professional guidance could end up in malnutrition. When your body doesn't get enough trace elements like protein, iron, or zinc, you can become weak and your hair can fall out as well.


Frequent perms or dye jobs

To stay on-trend, young men and women love to lighten, colour and perm their hair with styles. But each time they get a makeover, they’re actually damaging their hair! Perms work by using a chemical solution to change hair structure, which can lead to the loss of moisture and nutrients. On the other hand, hair dye can come into direct contact with the scalp and leave chemical residue there, leading to clogged hair follicles and even inflamed and sensitive scalp.


Statistics show that over 75% of COVID-19 patients suffer from a post-viral syndrome known as “long COVID”. 1/4 of them suffer from hair loss that persists for more than 3 months. Doctors say that COVID-19 patients have weak immunity and need to replenish nutrients to relieve hair loss and restore their hair volume. But this takes time, so don't think you're in the clear just because you tested negative for COVID-19.

Pay attention to your hair growth cycle to prevent hair loss

The hair growth cycle consists of anagen, catagen and telogen phases. A healthy person should have around 90% of hair follicles in the anagen phase, but the above factors can mess up their growth cycle and lead to their early shift into catagen and telogen phases.

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Many people tend to overlook the early signs of hair loss until it's too late to do anything about it. That's why it's important to keep an eye out for these 3 big signs of hair loss and deal with them early on:


1.Your hair is getting noticeably thinner, and your hairline is receding.

2.You're getting round bald patches on the top of your head that can be itchy at times.

3.Quite a number of hair strands fall off when you brush or play with your hair.

Revive Your Hair by Starting at The Scalp

Deep Cleansing, Cellular Awakening, and Hair Follicle Activation All with Hair Forest’s Limited-Time Offer:

[New Clients Only] Exclusive Stem Cells Hair Booster Package

Trial Price $680

Step 1: Remove excess sebum

Scalp Renew Treatment

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Poor lifestyle habits can leave a lot of waste on the scalp. If we don't clean our scalp first, all fancy hair treatments in the world won't do much good. Hair Forest’s Scalp Renew Treatment utilises patented scientific research products to perform deep scalp cleansing, soothe irritated scalp and balance its oil secretion. The treatment also effectively moisturises your scalp, manages inflammation such as sores, redness, swelling and dandruff on the scalp, as well as repairs and prevents various scalp discomfort triggered by exposure to chemicals.

- Uses products from a professional Italian hair care brand that gently clean your scalp

- Detoxes your scalp and removes the accumulated DHT, dead skin cells and excess oil and dirt

- Increases the production of collagen and elastic protein in the scalp

- Enhances the regenerative ability of the cells to prevent hair loss

- Deep cleanses the scalp

Step 2: Revitalise cells

HW Stem Cells Treatment

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After cleansing your scalp, it’s time to activate the cells of hair follicles! Hair Forest’s HW Stem Cells Treatment uses unique 448KHz radiofrequency which can increase the number of mesenchymal stem cells by 25% and promote the production of glycosaminoglycans and extracellular matrix. This can largely shorten the growth cycle of hair follicles which normally lasts for up to 6 years, improve the scalp’s blood circulation, and build a healthier environment for hair, hence thicker and stronger hair strands!

-Awakens dormant hair follicles and largely shortens the growth cycle of hair follicles which normally lasts for up to 6 years.

-Restores the functions of hair cells, boosts metabolism and enhances collagen regeneration in hair.

-Increases hair density and elasticity, leaving you with glossy black hair

Has 12 patents and is FDA-approved in multiple countries, ensuring a safe and reliable treatment.

<Online Appointment>

Source: Hair Forest

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