Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104) 、Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299), Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Day Procedure Centre Licence
Mongkok: EC Specialists Premium (PHF No. DP000104)
Central: Hong Kong Medical Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre (Central) (PHF No. DP000299)
Causeway Bay: EC Healthcare 535 Medical Centre (DP000304)

Colon polyps become colon cancer?

What is a colon polyp?



Two Types of Polyps

【Hyperplastic Polyps】
一般呈微小的凸起狀,常生長於直腸及乙狀結腸,增生性瘜肉的顏色近於腸粘膜,但較偏白。 雖然增生性瘜肉演化成惡性腫瘤的機會較低,但由於瘜肉無法透過內視鏡準確地進行良性/惡性上的區分,因此一般會切除腸瘜肉,再作組織化驗是否有癌細胞。

【Adenomatous Polyps】
形狀多樣化,顏色較為偏紅,會生長於大腸內不同位置,屬癌前病變,具有較高風險在10至15年間由一粒細小瘜肉演變成大腸癌。惟及早透過Colonoscopy examination發現及適時將腸瘜肉切除,可有助避免大腸癌的發生。


只要在大腸內發現凸起物,都可以稱為瘜肉,但是並非所有的瘜肉都與大腸癌有關。在醫學臨床上,有可能發展成為癌症的是腺瘤性瘜肉,有較高風險轉變為癌症的腺瘤,是那些1 cm以上、病理化驗後有絨毛成分、高度細胞異型變化的腺瘤。


Risk Factors



Do I have to remove my polyps?

Most colorectal cancers are developed from a polyp. Even though most polyps are benign at the early stage, it is possible for the polyps to further deteriorate and become cancerous if a timely removal procedure is not carried out. Therefore, if a bowel polyp is found, it should be removed immediately.


Can I have my polyps removed while having a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a common intestinal exam in Hong Kong. It uses a soft intestinal endoscope of diameter around 1.3 cm to enter your colon from the anus and examine your colon wall carefully. The doctor can know the condition of your colon wall from the screen. It is also possible to remove polyps with other medical devices simultaneously. The doctor may take tissues for a biopsy if the polyps are suspected to be cancerous.

Colon Polyps Q&A

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